Saturday, December 11, 2010

~Sugar time~

Christmas requires some home made sweets. This year I decided to make meringue and caramelized almonds. Both really simple to make. And in my opinion, quite decorative aswell : )

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lovely season

Winter is here for real. I love winter (well, I guess that goes for every season O_o). I love to stay inside doing things like sitting in front of the fireplace, drinking tea, drawing and day-dreaming. But it's just as nice going outside to enjoy the cold breeze and changed scenery. I went outside the other day, to attempt spending the night in the woods. We collected firewood, put up a camp and everything. But after 5 hours of freezing, I cowardly returned home to a warm shower.. waah! Failed!
                         Photo by Joachim Restad.

I'm really happy at the moment. I feel there are so many things to look forward to. And also, I'm picking up my Cintiq tomorrow! \o/

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I just ordered the Wacom Cintiq! I'm sooo happy.

For so long I've felt like I wasn't really able to express my digital drawings the way I wanted them to be. Drawing with a mouse isn't always that easy, and it takes _alot_ of time and precision. And still, it's hard to get the result you want.
     I havn't worked with that much digital pictures the last 1-2 years.. I rather draw sketches with pencils etc. Basically because I feel I get a better result when I draw irl, and not digitally with a mouse.
     I've been wanting a wacom tablet for such a long time, but they are quite expensive, and I never bought one because I didn't really like the idea of having to watch the screen while drawing on the tablet. I've tried it, and it's like I don't get the "connection" I do when I draw on regular paper with a pencil.
     So, I came over wacom tablets with built in digital screens! That is, you can draw ON the screen! Actually, I've known about them for a long time, but I never really considerated  buying one, because of the price.
     But now, as I'm working and being able to save up money, I decided to buy one..


Friday, October 29, 2010

Wacom Cintiq 12WX

I reeeeeally want one!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Autumn and H!P

Been a while since last time.. now autumn is already here. But I don't mind as I find this is a lovely season. Fresh, cold air which somehow wakes you up after a long and lazy summer.I love the smell of autumn.

     I'd like to say "nothing much has happened", but I hate that expression as it's seldom true. Ofcourse alot of things happens.. all the time, everday! But, I think it's hard to come up with anything interesting to write about. Life has been going on as usual. Still working, enjoying my freetime and dreaming of a future as an illustrator, animator or something in that direction. But we'll see.. the future is always uncertain, and I'm glad it is.
     Oh..and I've discovered Ebay! Well.. I always knew about Ebay.. but I havn't really checked into it.. until now recently. Been reciving small "gifts" in my mailbox for some weeks now. Cheap "gifts" that is.. So  I'm not emptying my bank account by using Ebay - which is why I love it! Nice quality items for a small price. I advice you to check it out \(^u^)/
     I'd like to introduce my favorite music.When I think of it, this music is a big part of my life. I've listened to it since I was about 15 years old.. that's 7 years already! The music I'm talking about is produced by Tsunku, a famous japanese music producer who's made many popular girl groups. All under the company Hello!project!.

     I'll start by introducing H!P's biggest group, Morning musume! 
The group released their first official single in 1998. But since then, "graduations" have been held, to let go of the older members. And "auditions", to let in new members. Basically to keep the group young, fresh and interesting for the fans. And the concept has worked! (At least I think so..)
Todays members are: Jun Jun, Mitsui Aika, Michishige Sayumi, Lin Lin, Kamei Eri, Takahashi Ai, Niigaki risa and Tanaka reina.  Yeah, crappy picture, but the other photos I spent ages uploading decided not to work!

This formation of members have been stable for a while now, but unfortunately their letting go of three of the members, Jun Jun, Lin Lin, and my favorite member Kamei Eri. There will be a new Audition, which is always fun, but I'm really sad Kamei is leaving.

This thing about morning musume, and H!P groups in general, is that the music is so energic, positive and fun! The lyrics are "real", and the music is really catchy. Just makes me want to smile. One more thing, is that it's not all about the music, but these girls are so called idols. They function as persons you can "get to know", through TV-shows, concerts, handshake-events, fanclub, special events. There are even photos you can collect. and special edition releases for more hardcore fans. Well, the point is, I've really got to  know these girls personalities through tv, interviews, musicals and so on. It makes it so much more interesting to listen to their music, read the latest news etc. This has become like a hobby of mine. And I love it.

Here's morning musumes newest single. Not my favorite, though.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


At the moment, I'm baking cookies while waiting for Joachim to wake up (he's working night shifts). I've been working fulltime at my new job as a substitute for my "boss". I'm still kinda of a newbie, and the long hours makes it really tiring. And I'm not used to waking up at 05.45 everyday. Still, it makes me appreciate my freetime more.
     Today I woke up at aroundt 12, after sleeping for 11 hours! Today I'm just going to relax with Joachim. I'm also thinking about finishing Zelda MM for the fourth or fifth time. I love days like this! \(^u^)/
     After two more weeks as a substitue, I'm going to Hardangervidda with Joachim.

Five days surrounded only my Joachim and the wilderness. It's going to be..perfect! I love to enjoy the simple things in life, like sleeping outdoors, fishing and just.. being.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

My job

In  May, I got a new job! I'm working in a supermarket being partly responsible for the fruit and vegetable section. I'm really happy! Although I'm only working 50-60% at the moment, I think it's a great start considering the work I do is pretty tough and stressful. I'm hoping to get more work as soon as I settle in more :)
     My job is basically keeping the fruit/vegetable section nice and fresh by doing things such as throwing away old food, ordering, making samples, some paperwork etc. I get to work out (carrying alot of things and walking all day) and work with fruits and vegetables which I like, so I'm very pleased with this job so far :)

Hope everyone who reads this enjoys summer as much as I do! It really does something with the mood, doesn't it?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My favorite summer experiences

                                      Photo by Joachim

The feeling of warm sand between my toes
Walking barefoot in the grass 
The smell of flowers
The warmth from the sun
 Swimming in the sea
 A cold shower after a sunny and warm day
The feeling of a summerbreeze that slips in through the window
The smell of newly cut grass
Strawberries with cream
Juicy watermelon
Late summer evenings spent with friends and family
Long, lazy days...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy birthday to meee! \(=u=)/

Today, I woke up when my friend Marte came over with birthday presents! She's so sweet! <3
Then Joachim had prepared a birthday inspired breakfast, consisting of hotdogs, coke and carrot cake. A really nice start of the day :-) He also got me roses and a present. I also got presents from my sister, and two of my friends have made me drawings! I'm really lucky \(^u^)/
I also went shopping with my mom, and she treated me for lunch. I bought this outfit..

Ok.. so I'm not a huge fan of posting pictures of myself, but why not (o_O'')

Later, we went out to eat dinner and enjoy ourselves. It was really nice weather today aswell, which made it feel like summertime.   

Some presents...

On wednesday, my friend Wictoria came to visit.. She brought souveniers!


Monday, May 3, 2010


I'll write soon! Just need to transfer pictures to my computer.. my laziness has kept me from doing it!! (>~<'')

Meanwhile.. enjoy this cute song by morning musume <3

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hotel and bathing park

Last week, Joachim and I went to a hotel and bathing resort to celebrate our "6 year anniversary" together as a couple. We were supposed to borrow a car from Joachims brother, but for some reason it broke down or something 5 minutes before we were leaving. We then borrowed another car, and everything seemed to go well, until this car suddenly broke down about 15 minutes before our destination (<-<'') Even though the fuel gauge didn't work, it was pretty embarrassing being picked up by "Viking" because of lacking fuel. Oh well..
     2 hours later than planned we finally arrived at the hotel and bathing resort. We had such a great time! Outdoor swimming (in a pool ofcourse), running in the snow by the pool, sitting in the sauna etc.
     After bathing we went to a really nice restaurant and ordered the most delicious food I've ever tasted, honestly. It was expensive, but totally worth it! (~u~) We ended the night by eating lots of candy while watching bad movies and playing yatzi in our room. I had a really nice time, and recommend this place if you want to go somewhere to relax.
This was the only shot we bothered to take, even though we brought Joachims camera to take a lot of pictures.

Oh, and I recieved my dancemat some weeks ago! Been dancing alot, and I'm getting real good (haha!!). Well, it's really good exercise, and quite fun aswell. I've also learned how to make my own dancing tracks. So now I can dance to songs such as "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard", and "Gimme back my son!" (<_>'')

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dance Step Mania \(~u~)/

I've ordered a dance mat!
It can be attached directly to a computer. And it can also be used with the dance program stepmania which allows you to download your favorite songs to dance to! Can't wait for it to arrive! ~ <3

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vanilla muffins

Mwahaha! We made vanilla muffins this weekend! おいしかった!
I really believe these are the best muffins I've ever tasted! And here is the recipe!

Vanilla muffins:
250 g butter
4 dl sugar
4 eggs
2 dl milk
6 dl flour
3 teaspoons bakingpowder
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Vanilla buttercream:
250 g butter
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
2 dl milk
16 dl powdered sugar

Begin by mixing the butter in a bowl so it gets soft. Add the sugar at mix it until it forms a white, creamy texture.
Add the eggs - one at a time - and mix well between each added egg.
Mix in the vanilla essence.
Sift the flour and baking powder, and add it and the milk in the buttermixture a little at a time.
Only mix until the dough is smooth (dont overmix!)

Fill muffin forms about 3/4 full,  and cook them in the middle of the oven. 175*C, 20-25 minutes.

Make the vanilla cream by mixing all the ingredients together, but only add 1/4 of the powdered sugar at first. When the mixture is smooth, add powdered sugar until it forms a nice thickness. If you put the mixture in the refrigerator it will thicken - so don't worry if the mixture seems a bit thin at first. If it's still to thin after keeping it in the fridge, simply add more powdered sugar before decorating the muffins.

If you want other colors,  add a few drops of food coloring (~u~)/

I made 6 big muffins by making 1/4 of this recipe. So i guess this is enough for 30 muffins.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Miniature clay figures

About a year ago, I started one of my new hobbies, which is making figures and designs inspired by japanese accessories. it involves making (or at least attempting to make) real life miniature food and sweets out of clay. You can make phone straps, keychains, magnets and use the figures to decorate boxes, i-pods, frames and so on (^u^)/ It's really fun to make! And it's nice to have cute, homemade accessories. Or at least I think so (<-<``)
      Well, here are some of the stuff I've made.

Frames, keychains/phonestraps and one of the many magnets I've made.

Blackberry macaroon

Chocolate macaroon

Raspberry macaroon
Chocolate cake magnet

And some detail shots of the frames..


Friday, January 22, 2010

tunak tunak

January is almost over, and I'm all into my new year resolution's. Which include drinking 2 liters of water a day, avoid unhealthy food and exercising more. Wow, it's really an original resolution, right?
     Although I'm not that into new year resolutions, it can't hurt to improve my lifestyle.

                               So, this weekends snacks are...

      ... fruit salad sprinkled with walnuts and dark chocolate \(^u^)/

For all those makeup fanatics out there, I really recommend these makeup brushes from Sigma.
     I got them myself for christmas, from my boyfriend.
The brushes are reeally soft, and makes applying makeup more hygienic and precise. Becides, they are waay cheaper than other brand brushes, but they have the same quality.