Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Autumn and H!P

Been a while since last time.. now autumn is already here. But I don't mind as I find this is a lovely season. Fresh, cold air which somehow wakes you up after a long and lazy summer.I love the smell of autumn.

     I'd like to say "nothing much has happened", but I hate that expression as it's seldom true. Ofcourse alot of things happens.. all the time, everday! But, I think it's hard to come up with anything interesting to write about. Life has been going on as usual. Still working, enjoying my freetime and dreaming of a future as an illustrator, animator or something in that direction. But we'll see.. the future is always uncertain, and I'm glad it is.
     Oh..and I've discovered Ebay! Well.. I always knew about Ebay.. but I havn't really checked into it.. until now recently. Been reciving small "gifts" in my mailbox for some weeks now. Cheap "gifts" that is.. So  I'm not emptying my bank account by using Ebay - which is why I love it! Nice quality items for a small price. I advice you to check it out \(^u^)/
     I'd like to introduce my favorite music.When I think of it, this music is a big part of my life. I've listened to it since I was about 15 years old.. that's 7 years already! The music I'm talking about is produced by Tsunku, a famous japanese music producer who's made many popular girl groups. All under the company Hello!project!.

     I'll start by introducing H!P's biggest group, Morning musume! 
The group released their first official single in 1998. But since then, "graduations" have been held, to let go of the older members. And "auditions", to let in new members. Basically to keep the group young, fresh and interesting for the fans. And the concept has worked! (At least I think so..)
Todays members are: Jun Jun, Mitsui Aika, Michishige Sayumi, Lin Lin, Kamei Eri, Takahashi Ai, Niigaki risa and Tanaka reina.  Yeah, crappy picture, but the other photos I spent ages uploading decided not to work!

This formation of members have been stable for a while now, but unfortunately their letting go of three of the members, Jun Jun, Lin Lin, and my favorite member Kamei Eri. There will be a new Audition, which is always fun, but I'm really sad Kamei is leaving.

This thing about morning musume, and H!P groups in general, is that the music is so energic, positive and fun! The lyrics are "real", and the music is really catchy. Just makes me want to smile. One more thing, is that it's not all about the music, but these girls are so called idols. They function as persons you can "get to know", through TV-shows, concerts, handshake-events, fanclub, special events. There are even photos you can collect. and special edition releases for more hardcore fans. Well, the point is, I've really got to  know these girls personalities through tv, interviews, musicals and so on. It makes it so much more interesting to listen to their music, read the latest news etc. This has become like a hobby of mine. And I love it.

Here's morning musumes newest single. Not my favorite, though.