Sunday, July 25, 2010


At the moment, I'm baking cookies while waiting for Joachim to wake up (he's working night shifts). I've been working fulltime at my new job as a substitute for my "boss". I'm still kinda of a newbie, and the long hours makes it really tiring. And I'm not used to waking up at 05.45 everyday. Still, it makes me appreciate my freetime more.
     Today I woke up at aroundt 12, after sleeping for 11 hours! Today I'm just going to relax with Joachim. I'm also thinking about finishing Zelda MM for the fourth or fifth time. I love days like this! \(^u^)/
     After two more weeks as a substitue, I'm going to Hardangervidda with Joachim.

Five days surrounded only my Joachim and the wilderness. It's going to be..perfect! I love to enjoy the simple things in life, like sleeping outdoors, fishing and just.. being.